The author of the picture Kerli Toode
We care about parrots and aim for each parrot’s living environment to be as comfortable and diverse as possible
We are a family-owned company that has also been caring for various parrots for a very long time. Our experience span is a more than 20 years, encompassing both the knowledge acquired from our own experiences and what we have learned from the written experiences of external experts. We aim to share this knowledge and experience with parrot owners in Estonia. Our main goal is to promote a culture of proper parrot care, enhancing understanding of the needs of parrots in captive conditions.
The company’s activities grew based on the needs of our parrots and our interest in providing them with a diverse and comfortable living environment. Over time, it became apparent that there are other parrot owners in Estonia who share our same desires and thoughts about the well-being of parrots. Many of our regular clients have become collaborators and friends, and we are constantly informed about the joys and concerns of their beloved pets.
On our website, you can find articles under the blog section covering various topics related to parrots, such as care, nutrition, living environment, health, well-being, and other essential subjects that a bird owner typically encounters. Our significant added value lies in providing information and assistance on issues where a parrot owner may be in distress and needs helpful answers.
We have created an e-commerce platform through which you can conveniently order all the necessary products for keeping and caring for parrots. When it comes to parrot food, we have selected only the best options available in the European market. As the largest retailer of parrot products in Estonia, we specialize in understanding parrots and can provide expert advice on both product selection and complex issues related to parrots.
Welcome to the page, which opens up the world of parrots for you!
Our Customer Feedback
Olen tellinud peaaegu kõik vajaliku Lindale Pepperist (alates erinevatest puuridest mänguasjadeni välja) ning olen alati väga-väga rahule jäänud. Linda muidugi ka! Kuskilt mujalt lihtsalt ei anta nii häid soovitusi ega leia ka nii laia valikut.
Lisaks olen saanud Pepperist pidevalt head nõu, millised tingimused papagoile luua, millist toitu anda; igakülgset abi nii igapäevastes kui ka linnu tervisega seotud küsimustes. Usaldan Pepperist saadud infot.
Mul on nii hea meel, et olen leidnud koha, kus mind alati aidatakse, ära kuulatakse ja head nõu antakse. Pepperis tõesti hoolitakse lindudest ja ka nende omanikest.
Eneli Grossmann
Ура, посылку получила сегодня утром :) уже даже погуляли 15 минут, попугай в восторге! Отлично себя ведет и спокойно сидит на руке. Шлейку дал надеть спокойно и снять. Я рада.
До шлейки я его к улице приучала на балконе в клетке, 3 недели выносла по часику. К звукам улицы привык быстро и с интересом набдюдал за птицами в небе.
Мне очень нравится шлейка. Я довольна. Спасибо еще раз!
Olesja Ivanova
Saime mõned päevad tagasi Tibule uue transpordikoti! Kott on avar, kerge ja turvaline. Kotil on sees krõpsudega kinnitatavad tugikaared, tugevdatud põhi ja 2 söögitopsi, ning puidust õrs. Vajadusel saab kotti ka pimendada, sulgedes kattega läbipaistvad aknad. Kotti saab kanda seljakotina ja õlapaelaga käes.
Tundus, et Tibule meeldis ka see kott, sest läks kohe uudistama ja tundus olevat rahulolev. Täna käisime juba sellega väljas ja sotsialiseerumas. Istus rahulikult ja vaatas ringi. Oleme rõõmsad ja väga rahul, julgeme soovitada!
Kõik mis oleme teie kaudu tellinud on väga kvaliteetne ja teeb rõõmu nii Tibule, kui meile :)
Ele Laas